The Rottweiler Dog in Pakistan: Price and Acceptance in Pakistan

Rottweiler dog in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the demand for pet dogs is on the rise, and Rottweilers have also made a significant place for themselves. Among the many breeds of dogs, Rottweilers are known for their strength and boundless loyalty to their owners. Whether you are considering getting a Rottweiler dog simply wanting information about them, or perhaps you’re curious about their competitiveness in Pakistan, we will enlighten you with all the information in this article.
In Pakistan, these dogs are widely accepted not only for their striking appearance or muscular physique but also for their deep devotion to their owners.


When we talk about history, the Rottweiler’s history intertwines with the Roman Empire’s era. During that time, this dog was famous for its loyalty to its owner. Its roots trace back to the area of Rottweil in Germany, which is evident from its name.
During the Roman Empire, these dogs received significant appreciation. They were used as war dogs during the Roman Empire’s European wars. Their strength and bravery can be gauged from the fact that they were not only used like other dogs but also in the frontline battles.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, their role changed, but their image and reputation remained that of a dangerous dog forever. Even today, in Pakistan, the Rottweiler dog is considered one of the most dangerous dogs in the country.


Later, when the tag of working dogs and military dogs was removed from these dogs, the people of Germany began using them as search and rescue dogs. Even in this field, Rottweilers gained significant acceptance because they were willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their loved ones.
With the passage of time and increasing industrialization, Rottweilers also changed. One thing that never changed was their ability to go to any extent in fulfilling their duty. Rottweilers have always been considered extremely devoted and faithful protectors.


If you’re considering getting a Rottweiler puppy in Pakistan, you can find one ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 PKR. However, this price range fluctuates due to factors influenced by lineage, pedigree record, the breeder’s reputation, age, and coat colour.
The first factor here is the puppy’s lineage. If the puppy has a pedigree record of lineage, you may find it at higher prices, especially if it descends from champion dogs or rare breeds.
Additionally, your puppy’s health and age are also factors that can affect its price. A puppy that is healthy and well-socialized may fetch a higher price. In Pakistan, you may find a Rottweiler dog at a lower price if its vaccination status is not up to date and its health condition is not optimal.


Rottweilers have always been recognized for their striking appearance. Their strength and intelligence have always represented loyalty. Any dog lover will never doubt the confidence and power of a Rottweiler. Let’s delve into some more details about their physical characteristics.


Rottweilers are a large-sized and robust breed of dogs.
When it comes to their height, males typically stand between 24 to 27 inches, while females are slightly smaller, ranging from approximately 22 to 25 inches in size.


In terms of weight, Rottweiler males can weigh between approximately 43 to 61 kilograms, whereas females usually weigh around 36 to 45 kilograms.


Rottweilers are muscular and maintain the best proportions under their body structure. They have a large chest, straight back, and strong and sturdy hind legs. This balance they possess helps them to assist in their past roles as war dogs.


The Rottweiler has a short, dense, double coat. Its outer coat feels very coarse to the touch and protects it from various environmental elements. Meanwhile, the inner coat works as insulation. The Double coat of Rottweiler dog protects it against different weather conditions and the various environmental intensities found in Pakistan.


One of the most distinctive features of the Rottweiler dog, which perhaps contributes to its increasing popularity in Pakistan, is its bold markings. Typically, they have a large black coat adorned with striking tan markings. These markings are present on their cheeks, legs, and the inner sides of their tails. The Rottweiler’s striking appearance, characterized by this combination of black and tan colours, is what has garnered it so much popularity in Pakistan.


Like all breeds, Rottweilers also experience some common health issues. Before bringing a Rottweiler into your home, it’s essential to be aware of these issues so you can promptly address them if they arise.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a common hereditary condition found in dogs, characterized by poorly developed hip joints. This leads to excessive looseness and instability in the hip joint, particularly in the hindquarters. Due to their large size, Rottweilers are particularly prone to this issue. Symptoms may include limping and difficulty rising or performing certain activities. Early detection of hip dysplasia allows for easier management, which may include weight management, different exercises, medication, and in severe cases, surgery.

Elbow Dysplasia

Similar to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia is a condition where the elbow joint fails to develop properly. This can result in significant pain and swelling in the joint. Regular check-ups can help detect this condition early, allowing for prompt treatment to begin. Physical activities and different exercises play a crucial role in managing this condition.

Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis is a heart condition where the aortic valve becomes excessively narrow, impeding blood flow. This condition can lead to heart murmurs and fainting. Regular check-ups can help monitor the heart’s condition, and medication is often used in the treatment of this disease. However, in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.


Another disease that people in Pakistan should be aware of before bringing a Rottweiler dog into their home is osteochondrosis. This condition affects the dog’s bone cartilage and can lead to weakened bones. Regular check-ups can help detect lameness and swelling early. Conservative treatment is often the solution, although sometimes surgery may be required to address this condition.

Bloat (Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus)

Bloat is a life-threatening condition where gas accumulates in your dog’s stomach, potentially leading to twisting. The risk of torsion is higher in large breeds. Symptoms include restlessness, unsuccessful attempts to vomit, and a distended abdomen. In such cases, immediate veterinary emergency care is necessary, and in severe cases, surgery may be required promptly.


Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland in your dog does not produce enough hormones. This leads to weight gain, lethargy, skin problems, and other issues due to the lack of hormone regulation in the body. Regular veterinary check-ups can be helpful in early detection, and hormone replacement therapy can be initiated as a treatment.


Owners of Rottweiler dogs in Pakistan often encounter issues related to food allergies, along with environmental energy and insect bites. Common symptoms include itching, rashes, and ear infections. To address these allergies, identification of the allergen is necessary, followed by regular treatment. This could significantly improve your dog’s quality of life.

Regular veterinary check-ups can help keep your Rottweiler safe from all these health issues. At least once a year, take your Rotweiller to a professional veterinarian for routine check-ups, including physical exams, blood tests, and various diagnostic procedures. Monitoring your Rotweiller health regularly reduces the chances of any disease going unnoticed until it becomes severe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Rottweilers good family dogs?

Rottweilers can be excellent family dogs with proper training and socialization. They are known for their loyalty and protective instincts, making them devoted companions. However, early socialization and consistent training are essential to ensure they behave appropriately around family members, especially children.

Are Rottweilers good with children?

When raised with children and properly trained, Rottweilers can be great companions for kids. They are naturally protective and often form strong bonds with the children in their family. However, due to their size and strength, it’s crucial to supervise interactions between Rottweilers and young children to prevent accidental injuries.

Do Rottweilers get along with other pets?

Rottweilers can coexist peacefully with other pets, including dogs and cats, particularly if they are introduced to them at a young age. However, their strong prey drive and territorial instincts mean that careful supervision and proper introductions are necessary. Early socialization and training can help Rottweilers learn to interact positively with other animals in the household.

Are Rottweilers suitable for first-time dog owners with families?

While Rottweilers can make wonderful family pets, they may not be the best choice for first-time dog owners due to their size, strength, and protective nature. They require consistent training, socialization, and firm leadership to thrive in a family environment. Experienced owners who understand the breed’s characteristics and are committed to providing proper care and training can successfully integrate Rottweilers into their families.